archive by Caio 11 months ago (log)



Tablier is's front-end. All non-recipe content is in or generated by this repository. Notably, templates are type-checked via rocker and the CSS framework is Bulma.

This repository is a mess, but what it does is:

  1. Generate static page versions of templates (via using the Rocker views and the .model package classes

  2. Compile markdown files into html documents

  3. Use docker to compile bulma with variable customizations and extra classes via gulp (gulfile.js, sass task)

  4. Use the generated static pages to clean up (uncss) and minify (cssnano) the generated css so that we end up with a somewhat small stylesheet (again via gulp: gulpfile.js, css task)

  5. Package it all inside a jar


mvn install

Watch for template/content changes

mvn -Pwatch exec:java

Generate CSS

mvn exec:exec@minify-css


The file at src/main/java/co/caio/tablier/view/svg.rocker.html contains a copy of a few icons helpfully provided by Icomoon and licensed as CC BY 4.0.

For everything else, please refer to the LICENSE file.