- Tag 0.6.3 created by Caio on commit 50442db2ab 5 years ago
[maven-release-plugin] prepare release 0.6.3 by Caio 5 years ago
Add some metadata for iOS users 💬 by Caio 5 years ago
Requests for `apple-touch-icon` are the top 404 error I've been getting and I guess that's a sign of use? Can't think of a robot fetching these. Regardless, if it they are real users I'd like to provide a better "add to home-screen" experience and this additional metadata does the trick really well.
- Tag 0.6.2 created by Caio on commit c8d3540d45 5 years ago
[maven-release-plugin] prepare release 0.6.2 by Caio 5 years ago
Don't scare readers with my tilde so quick by Caio 5 years ago
Use the conjunction symbol (☌) as logo 💬 by Caio 5 years ago
It's pretty much what I was gunning for! Looks like a skillet AND like a magnifying glass. Phew, now I can get rid of my beautiful pixel art.
Tablier is's front-end. All non-recipe content is in or generated by this repository. Notably, templates are type-checked via rocker and the CSS framework is Bulma.
This repository is a mess, but what it does is:
Generate static page versions of templates (via using the Rocker views and the
package classes -
Compile markdown files into html documents
Use docker to compile bulma with variable customizations and extra classes via gulp (
task) -
Use the generated static pages to clean up (
) and minify (cssnano
) the generated css so that we end up with a somewhat small stylesheet (again via gulp:gulpfile.js
task) -
Package it all inside a jar
mvn install
Watch for template/content changes
mvn -Pwatch exec:java
Generate CSS
mvn exec:exec@minify-css
The file at src/main/java/co/caio/tablier/view/svg.rocker.html
a copy of a few icons helpfully provided by Icomoon and licensed
as CC BY 4.0.
For everything else, please refer to the LICENSE file.