Add rudimentary template support for the menu entries
This patch introduces 3 new configuration variables: g:qcc_format_word (default: "${0} <${1}>") g:qcc_format_abbr (default: "${0}") g:qcc_format_menu (default: "${2}") Which are used to generate the complete menu entries (read the help for 'complete-items' for more details on the meanings of each) The default format is the original one. Given an output (from running g:qcc_query_command) like: FirstName details The generated completion menu would look like: FirstName LastName | details And selecting the entry completes it to: FirstName LastName
- Id
- 8741a1f2f232ea729fa4e3958151a2aa0e4dde79
- Author
- Caio
- Commit time
- 2013-06-16T23:02:16+02:00
Modified plugin/querycommandcomplete.vim
call s:DefaultIfUnset('g:qcc_pattern', '^\(To\|Cc\|Bcc\|From\|Reply-To\):')
call s:DefaultIfUnset('g:qcc_multiline', 0)
call s:DefaultIfUnset('g:qcc_multiline_pattern', '.*')
+call s:DefaultIfUnset('g:qcc_format_word', '${0} <${1}>')
+call s:DefaultIfUnset('g:qcc_format_abbr', '${0}')
+call s:DefaultIfUnset('g:qcc_format_menu', '${2}')
-function! s:MakeCompletionEntry(name, email, other)
+" Given a format string where the placeholders are in the format
+" '${index}' and index is a valid index the the given 'fields'
+" argument, this function returns a string with all placeholders
+" replaced by the corresponding data in the fields list.
+" FIXME I can't help but think there's a standard way to do this
+" but I failed finding it. Please call me a dumbass if you
+" know The Easy Way.
+function! s:ApplyFieldsToFormatString(fields, format)
+ let result = a:format
+ while 1
+ let placeholder = matchstr(result, '${[0-9]}')
+ if (empty(placeholder))
+ break
+ endif
+ let index = matchstr(placeholder, '[0-9]')
+ " If ${NUMBER} is not a valid index in a:fields,
+ " use '' as a fallback.
+ " FIXME Decide whether to warn/err/whatever here
+ let content = ''
+ if (len(a:fields) > index)
+ let content = a:fields[index]
+ endif
+ let result = substitute(result, placeholder, content, 'g')
+ endwhile
+ return result
+function! s:MakeCompletionEntry(fields)
let entry = {}
- let entry.word = a:name . ' <' . a:email . '>'
- let entry.abbr = a:name
- let = a:other
+ let entry.word = s:ApplyFieldsToFormatString(a:fields, g:qcc_format_word)
+ let entry.abbr = s:ApplyFieldsToFormatString(a:fields, g:qcc_format_abbr)
+ let = s:ApplyFieldsToFormatString(a:fields, g:qcc_format_menu)
let entry.icase = 1
return entry
for my_line in lines
let fields = split(my_line, g:qcc_field_separator)
- if (len(fields) < 2)
- continue
- endif
+ let entry = s:MakeCompletionEntry(fields)
- let email = fields[0]
- let name = fields[1]
- let other = ''
- if (len(fields) > 2)
- let other = fields[2]
- endif
- let contact = s:MakeCompletionEntry(name, email, other)
- call add(results, contact)
+ call add(results, entry)
return results