Query Command Complete
Vim plugin to suggest completions with the results of an external
query command.
The original intention is to use it as a mutt query_command wrapper
to complete addresses in the mail headers, but it can be adapted
to any other kind of functionality by modifying the exposed setting
Last Change: 2013 Jun 16
Author: Caio Romão (http://caioromao.com)
License: This file is placed in the public domain
Brian Henderson https://github.com/bhenderson
Mark Stillwell https://github.com/marklee77
Rui Abreu Ferreira http://ruiabreu.org
This plugin exports the completion function QueryCommandComplete,
which can be set as the complete function (or omni function) for
any filetype. If you have a working mutt setup with query_command
configured, the plugin works out of the box.
let g:qcc_query_command='abook'
au BufRead /tmp/mutt* setlocal omnifunc=QueryCommandComplete
Note: Overriding settings on a buffer-basis is supported. So
b:qcc_query_command takes precedence over g:qcc_query_command
External command that queries for contacts
If empty, QueryCommandComplete tries to guess what command to
run by executing `mutt -Q query_command`.
Separator for each entry in the result from the query
default: '\n'
Separator for the fields of an entry from the result
default: '\t'
Pattern used to match against the current line to decide
whether to call the query command
default: '^\(To\|Cc\|Bcc\|From\|Reply-To\):'
Whether to try matching g:qcc_pattern against the current
and any previous line
default: 0
Pattern to match against the current line when deciding
wether to keep looking for a line that matches g:qcc_pattern
This provides finer control over the recursion, which
is useful if calling the completion on really big files.
default: '.*'
Format string to be used when building the word field
of the completion (i.e.: the final result, what gets fed into
the current line when you select an option)
default: '${1} <${0}>' (as in: FirstName <email@domain.com>)
Format string to be used when building the abbreviation
for the completion menu (i.e.: the first row in the completion
default: '${1}'
Format string for the optional second column of the completion
default: '${2}'