" Query Command Complete
" ======================
" Vim plugin to suggest completions with the results of an external
" query command.
" The original intention is to use it as a mutt query_command wrapper
" to complete addresses in the mail headers, but it can be adapted
" to any other kind of functionality by modifying the exposed setting
" parameters.
" Last Change: 2012 Dec 29
" Author: Caio Romão <caioromao@gmail.com>
" License: This file is placed in the public domain
" Contributors:
" Brian Henderson <https://github.com/bhenderson>
" Mark Stillwell <https://github.com/marklee77>
" Setup:
" This plugin exports the completion function QueryCommandComplete,
" which can be set as the complete function (or omni function) for
" any filetype. If you have a working mutt setup with query_command
" configured, the plugin works out of the box.
" Example:
" let g:qcc_query_command='abook'
" au BufRead /tmp/mutt* setlocal omnifunc=QueryCommandComplete
" Settings:
" g:qcc_query_command
" External command that queries for contacts
" If empty, QueryCommandComplete tries to guess what command to
" run by executing `mutt -Q query_command`.
" g:qcc_line_separator
" Separator for each entry in the result from the query
" default: '\n'
" g:qcc_field_separator
" Separator for the fields of an entry from the result
" default: '\t'
" g:qcc_pattern
" Pattern used to match against the current line to decide
" whether to call the query command
" default: '^\(To\|Cc\|Bcc\|From\|Reply-To\):'
" g:qcc_multiline
" Whether to try matching g:qcc_pattern against the current
" and any previous line
" default: 0
" g:qcc_multiline_pattern
" Pattern to match against the current line when deciding
" wether to keep looking for a line that matches g:qcc_pattern
" This provides finer control over the recursion, which
" is useful if calling the completion on really big files.
" default: '.*'
if exists("g:loaded_QueryCommandComplete") || &cp
" Try to use mutt's query_command by default if nothing is set
if !exists("g:qcc_query_command")
let s:querycmd = system('mutt -Q query_command 2>/dev/null')
let s:querycmd = substitute(s:querycmd, '^query_command="\(.*\)"\n', '\1','')
if len(s:querycmd)
let g:qcc_query_command = s:querycmd
let g:qcc_multiline = 1
autocmd FileType mail setlocal omnifunc=QueryCommandComplete
echoerr "QueryCommandComplete: g:qcc_query_command not set!"
let g:loaded_QueryCommandComplete = 1
let s:save_cpo = &cpo
set cpo&vim
function! s:DefaultIfUnset(name, default)
if !exists(a:name)
let {a:name} = a:default
call s:DefaultIfUnset('g:qcc_line_separator', '\n')
call s:DefaultIfUnset('g:qcc_field_separator', '\t')
call s:DefaultIfUnset('g:qcc_pattern', '^\(To\|Cc\|Bcc\|From\|Reply-To\):')
call s:DefaultIfUnset('g:qcc_multiline', 0)
call s:DefaultIfUnset('g:qcc_multiline_pattern', '.*')
call s:DefaultIfUnset('g:qcc_format_word', '${0} <${1}>')
call s:DefaultIfUnset('g:qcc_format_abbr', '${0}')
call s:DefaultIfUnset('g:qcc_format_menu', '${2}')
" Given a format string where the placeholders are in the format
" '${index}' and index is a valid index the the given 'fields'
" argument, this function returns a string with all placeholders
" replaced by the corresponding data in the fields list.
" FIXME I can't help but think there's a standard way to do this
" but I failed finding it. Please call me a dumbass if you
" know The Easy Way.
function! s:ApplyFieldsToFormatString(fields, format)
let result = a:format
while 1
let placeholder = matchstr(result, '${[0-9]}')
if (empty(placeholder))
let index = matchstr(placeholder, '[0-9]')
" If ${NUMBER} is not a valid index in a:fields,
" use '' as a fallback.
" FIXME Decide whether to warn/err/whatever here
let content = ''
if (len(a:fields) > index)
let content = a:fields[index]
let result = substitute(result, placeholder, content, 'g')
return result
function! s:MakeCompletionEntry(fields)
let entry = {}
let entry.word = s:ApplyFieldsToFormatString(a:fields, g:qcc_format_word)
let entry.abbr = s:ApplyFieldsToFormatString(a:fields, g:qcc_format_abbr)
let entry.menu = s:ApplyFieldsToFormatString(a:fields, g:qcc_format_menu)
let entry.icase = 1
return entry
function! s:FindStartingIndex()
let cur_line = getline('.')
" locate the start of the word
let start = col('.') - 1
while start > 0 && cur_line[start - 1] =~ '[^:,]'
let start -= 1
" lstrip()
while cur_line[start] =~ '[ ]'
let start += 1
return start
function! s:GenerateCompletions(findstart, base)
if a:findstart
return s:FindStartingIndex()
let results = []
let cmd = g:qcc_query_command
if cmd !~ '%s'
let cmd .= ' %s'
let cmd = substitute(cmd, '%s', shellescape(a:base), '')
let lines = split(system(cmd), g:qcc_line_separator)
for my_line in lines
let fields = split(my_line, g:qcc_field_separator)
let entry = s:MakeCompletionEntry(fields)
call add(results, entry)
return results
function! s:ShouldGenerateCompletions(line_number)
let current_line = getline(a:line_number)
if current_line =~ g:qcc_pattern
return 1
if ! g:qcc_multiline || a:line_number <= 1 || current_line !~ g:qcc_multiline_pattern
return 0
return s:ShouldGenerateCompletions(a:line_number - 1)
function! QueryCommandComplete(findstart, base)
if s:ShouldGenerateCompletions(line('.'))
return s:GenerateCompletions(a:findstart, a:base)
let &cpo = s:save_cpo