Add initial version of JumpNextLongLine plugin
- Id
- bcf2a3966340a43aed326cb0cafe875174b0b0ba
- Author
- Caio
- Commit time
- 2010-12-24T17:17:50-02:00
Modified README.markdown
Jump Next Long Line Plugin
Vim script to jump to the next line that exceeds the `&textwidth` option.
-Author: Caio Romão <>
+Author: `Caio Romão <>`
### License
I request that you acknowledge my authorship.
Digital versions of the work may be available at
- Learn more at
+[][homepage]. Learn more at
Created plugin/jumpnextlongline.vim
+" Jump Next Long Line
+" ===================
+" Vim plugin to jump to the next line that exceed the textwidth setting
+" Last Change: 2010 Dec 24
+" Maintainer: Caio Romão <>
+" License: This file is placed in the public domain
+" Mappings:
+" <Leader>l or <Plug>JumpNextLongLine
+" Jumps to the next (too) long line
+" This plugin doesn't have any settings.
+if exists("g:loaded_JumpNextLongLine") || &cp
+ finish
+let g:loaded_JumpNextLongLine= 1
+let s:save_cpo = &cpo
+set cpo&vim
+if !hasmapto('<Plug>JumpNextLongLine')
+ nmap <silent> <unique> <Leader>l <Plug>JumpNextLongLine
+noremap <unique> <script> <Plug>JumpNextLongLine :call <SID>JumpNext()<CR>
+function! s:JumpNext()
+ let nline = s:NextLongLine()
+ execute "normal! " . nline . "gg"
+function! s:ListLongLines()
+ let treshold = (&tw ? &tw : 80)
+ let spaces = repeat(" ", &ts)
+ let longlines = []
+ let i = 1
+ while i <= line("$")
+ " Respect user's &ts setting
+ let len = strlen(substitute(getline(i), '\t', spaces, 'g'))
+ if len > treshold
+ call add(longlines, i)
+ endif
+ let i += 1
+ endwhile
+ return longlines
+function! s:NextLongLine()
+ if !exists("b:long_lines_list")
+ let b:long_lines_list = s:ListLongLines()
+ endif
+ let curline = line('.')
+ let listsize = len(b:long_lines_list)
+ let i = 0
+ while i < listsize
+ let nextline = get(b:long_lines_list, i)
+ if nextline > curline
+ return nextline
+ endif
+ let i += 1
+ endwhile
+ " allow wrapping to the beginning of the buffer
+ return get(b:long_lines_list, 0, curline)
+" Delete list of long lines when idle and when writing
+" to trigger it's re-creation
+autocmd cursorhold,bufwritepost * unlet! b:long_lines_list
+let &cpo = s:save_cpo