Drop everything TravisCI
I won't trust the new owner with access to my account. Also: https://twitter.com/carmatrocity/status/1098538649908666368
- Id
- 1b379242c93d4d0653b5cf6269ee48c4effb1b97
- Author
- Caio
- Commit time
- 2019-02-22T12:06:47+01:00
- Have [good commit messages][commits]
- Contain tests for new features
- Target and can be cleanly merged with the `master` branch
-- Pass the tests (TravisCI will run them automatically but `go test` is
- your friend)
+- Pass the tests
[commits]: https://www.git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Distributed-Git-Contributing-to-a-Project#_commit_guidelines
Modified README.md
This package provides an implementation of Ted Dunning's t-digest data
structure in Go.
Deleted .travis.yml
-language: go
- - DEP_VERSION="0.3.2"
- - curl -L -s https://github.com/golang/dep/releases/download/v${DEP_VERSION}/dep-linux-amd64 -o $GOPATH/bin/dep
- - chmod +x $GOPATH/bin/dep
- - dep ensure
- - "1.9"
- - "1.10"
- - "1.11"
- - tip
- allow_failures:
- - go: tip
- fast_finish: true
- - go vet ./...
- - go test -v