- Tag 0.8.0 created by Caio on commit 4f29301834 5 years ago
[maven-release-plugin] prepare release 0.8.0 by Caio 5 years ago
Remove logback dependency by Caio 5 years ago
Simplify IndexConfiguration by Caio 5 years ago
Get rid of Indexer.Builder 💬 by Caio 5 years ago
Same reasoning as in 6935ad40bbce0da7484ef239ad93b5b9d1379e05
Get rid of Searcher.Builder 💬 by Caio 5 years ago
Whilst the pattern is super useful for things like SearchQuery, there's zero advantages to using it here and then the type-checking loss becomes kinda inexcusable :-)
SearchQuery: Replace dietThreshold() with diet() 💬 by Caio 5 years ago
This patch changes the query model to only allow a single chosen diet (and its corresponding threshold). This is being done mostly to simplify usage: the only code I have that makes use of the feature is unpublished and for reporting only - The web UI only uses one and I have no plans of allowing more than one.
- Tag 0.7.1 created by Caio on commit e2896762b8 5 years ago
Cerberus is the Search and Metadata Retrieval library for and makes use of Lucene for searching and a plain binary file filled with FlatBuffers to persist and access metadata.
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