- Tag 0.0.3 created by Caio on commit 4f51230f4e 5 years ago
[maven-release-plugin] prepare release 0.0.3 by Caio 5 years ago
Add a description meta to /recipe pages by Caio 5 years ago
Bump to tablier 0.6.3 💬 by Caio 5 years ago
I'll do a tiny release to provide some more metadata in the base layout so that iOS users saving us to their home-screen get a slightly better experience.
- Tag 0.0.2 created by Caio on commit dd3198deab 5 years ago
[maven-release-plugin] prepare release 0.0.2 by Caio 5 years ago
Bump to tablier 0.6.2 💬 by Caio 5 years ago
Now we have a logo that's less shameful
Casserole is the Web backend part of It connects
with tablier
and all recipes to provide the user
experience you have at the website. It's a Spring Boot app
using the WebFlux framework.
There aren't many interesting things to see here, but at a few that might be are:
Support for rendering Rocker templates at RockerModelHttpMessageWriter
A custom Lucene query that attemps to detect expensive queries at PerformanceInspectorQuery
Assemble fat jar
mvn package
Run server locally
mvn spring-boot:run
mvn test
Load data
Check the help output from:
mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass=co.caio.loader.Loader -Dexec.args="--help"