Add broad filters based on sort parameters 💬 by Caio 4 years ago (log)
When sorting by a feature, only output recipes that actually contain
said feature.

I'm not sure I like this - In one hand the `items` part of the output
is a lot more sane, but it's really weird to ask for sorting and
having the result-set change drastically.

I think the ideal, albeit still very weird, is pushing the items
with missing features to the end of the results (i.e. score them
with MAX or MIN, based on order), but doing that externally will
be very annoying.



A cooking recipe search JSON API.


The API is publicly accessible:

export API=
export CT="Content-Type: application/json"

You can query via POST on /search:

curl -d'{ "fulltext": "bacon", "num_items": 3 }' -H "${CT}" ${API}/search

The output will contain an array under items with each item containing fields like name, crawl_url, num_ingredients, image and more.

If you want more details about a specic recipe, you can GET at /recipe/{uuid}


You should have noticed a next field in the output of our previous search. Should look like base64-encoded gibberish.

If you submit the same search, but with an extra after key with the value you got from next, you get (surprise!) the next results:

curl -d'{ "fulltext": "bacon", "after": "AAAAAABAy6c0cM0Rb7VSU3OJkjB7_hHxeA" }' -H "${CT}" ${API}/search

Notice that the result contains a next field again? So long as a result contains a next you can keep using it as after to paginate through a result set of any size.

Querying Features

You can find out about recipe features we know by querying the /info endpoint:

curl $API/info

Here's a commented example of what you would see by looking at the output under features.num_ingredients:

  // Lowest number of ingredients (at least) one indexed recipe has
  "min": 2,
  // Ditto, but highest
  "max": 93,
  // Number of recipes in the index with the "num_ingredients" feature
  "count": 1183461,

You can sort by any feature that doesn't start with "diet_" via sort and change the order to ascending via ascending (defaults to false):

curl -d'{ "sort": "num_ingredients", "ascending": true }' -H "${CT}" ${API}/search

And you can query for any feature and value ranges you want. Recipes with calories within the [100,350[ range:

curl -d'{ "filter": { "calories": [100, 350] } }' -H "${CT}" ${API}/search

Maybe you'd like to see a more detailed breakdown of a feature:

curl -d'{ "fulltext": "cheese bacon", "agg": { "total_time": [ [0, 15], [15, 60], [60, 240] ] } }' -H "${CT}" ${API}/search

Of course, you can filter and aggregate as many features/ranges as you want.

NOTE: For performance reasons, the agg field is omitted from the result if too many recipes are found. Adding more filters and words to your query always help reducing the number of results.


This is mostly an exercise in learning rust, so if you are looking for well-thought-out things you won't have much luck. The code here is organized as a cargo workspace where the business logic and server code are placed inside the cantine crate and isolated functionality such as cursor-based pagination and query/aggregation-related code generation is implemented in tique.

I plan on exploring the whole ecosystem so documentation will come someday, but for now here's a brief outline of the modules:


You can use the sample data to run a tiny version of the API:

cargo run --bin load /tmp/cantine < cantine/tests/sample_recipes.jsonlines
RUST_LOG=debug cargo run /tmp/cantine