Benchmark keyword-based similarity
This patch introduces the `check_sim` command, which is what I'm using to explore the indexing quality. In a gist, for every recipe in the index it: 1. Extracts the top 20 keywords 2. Tries to find 10+1 recipes similar to it 3. Measures how many of the found recipes are also in the "canonical" `Recipe.similar_recipe_ids` The command simply dumps a csv to STDOUT and I run analysis over it. This is an example of the output: > 1721097,cornbread;dressing;salsa;salad;lettuce,11,5,10,0 > 862391,salmon;fillet;fillets;baked;piece,11,1,10,0 > 1206600,mousse;peppers;partly;bruised;yogurt,11,0,10,0 > 944326,watercress;oranges;sectioned;navel;tough,11,0,10,0 > 243820,roast;freeze;barbecue;cooker;freezer,11,5,10,0 And a breakdown of the first line: > 1721097: The recipe id > cornbread;dressing;salsa;salad;lettuce: top 5 keywords > 11: Number of similar recipes we found (Step 2) > 5: 5 of the found neighbors were also in the `similar_recipe_ids` set > 10: `Recipe.similar_recipe_ids.len()` > 0: Did we manage to find $self in the 10+1 nearest neighbors? At which index?
- Id
- faf13b48c77397073b3a46f1d22e4ce149dc82b2
- Author
- Caio
- Commit time
- 2020-02-19T11:57:52+01:00
Created cantine/src/bin/
+use std::{
+ convert::TryFrom,
+ env,
+ path::Path,
+ sync::{mpsc, Arc},
+ thread::spawn,
+use crossbeam_channel;
+use tantivy::{schema::Term, Index, Result};
+use cantine::{
+ database::DatabaseReader,
+ index::RecipeIndex,
+ model::{Recipe, RecipeId, Sort},
+use tique::topterms::TopTerms;
+struct Checked {
+ id: RecipeId,
+ num_found: usize,
+ recall: (usize, usize),
+ position: Option<usize>,
+ top_pretty: Vec<String>,
+fn main() -> Result<()> {
+ let base_dir = env::args()
+ .nth(1)
+ .expect("First parameter is a path to a directory");
+ let base_path = Path::new(&base_dir);
+ let index_path = base_path.join("tantivy");
+ let db_path = base_path.join("database");
+ let index = Index::open_in_dir(&index_path)?;
+ let reader = index.reader()?;
+ let recipe_index = Arc::new(RecipeIndex::try_from(&index.schema())?);
+ let database = Arc::new(DatabaseReader::<Recipe>::open(&db_path)?);
+ let topterms = Arc::new(TopTerms::new(&index, vec![recipe_index.fulltext])?);
+ let (id_sender, id_receiver) = crossbeam_channel::unbounded();
+ let (checked_sender, checked_receiver) = mpsc::channel();
+ let mut workers = Vec::new();
+ for _ in 0..4 {
+ let receiver = id_receiver.clone();
+ let database = database.clone();
+ let recipe_index = recipe_index.clone();
+ let topterms = topterms.clone();
+ let searcher = reader.searcher();
+ let checked_sender = checked_sender.clone();
+ workers.push(spawn(move || -> Result<()> {
+ for id in receiver {
+ let recipe = database
+ .find_by_id(id)
+ .map(|res| res.ok())
+ .flatten()
+ .expect("ids are valid and db is healthy");
+ let mut input = Vec::new();
+ input.push(;
+ for ingredient in &recipe.ingredients {
+ input.push(ingredient.as_str());
+ }
+ for instruction in &recipe.instructions {
+ input.push(instruction.as_str());
+ }
+ let keywords = topterms.extract_filtered(
+ 20,
+ input.join("\n").as_str(),
+ |term: &Term, _tf, doc_freq, _num_docs| {
+ // I haven't put any effort in the tokenization step,
+ // so there's plenty of "relevant rubbish" in the
+ // index like "100g", "tbsp", unicode fractions, etc.
+ // These heuristics are just an attempt of reducing the
+ // garbage, but a decent injection pipeline should be getting
+ // rid of these, not an ad-hoc filter
+ let text = term.text();
+ doc_freq > 5 && text.chars().count() > 4 && !text.ends_with("tbsp")
+ },
+ );
+ let top_pretty = keywords
+ .terms()
+ .take(5)
+ .map(|term| term.text().to_string())
+ .collect::<Vec<_>>();
+ let (_num_matching, more_like_this_ids, _after) =
+ &searcher,
+ &keywords.into_query(),
+ 11,
+ Sort::Relevance,
+ None,
+ )?;
+ let position = more_like_this_ids
+ .iter()
+ .position(|&sim_id| recipe.recipe_id == sim_id);
+ let mut hit = 0;
+ for id in recipe.similar_recipe_ids.iter() {
+ if more_like_this_ids.iter().any(|found_id| found_id == id) {
+ hit += 1;
+ }
+ }
+ let checked = Checked {
+ id: recipe.recipe_id,
+ num_found: more_like_this_ids.len(),
+ position,
+ recall: (hit, recipe.similar_recipe_ids.len()),
+ top_pretty,
+ };
+ checked_sender.send(checked).expect("send() always works");
+ }
+ Ok(())
+ }));
+ }
+ drop(id_receiver);
+ drop(checked_sender);
+ for &id in database.ids() {
+ id_sender.send(id).expect("send() always works");
+ }
+ drop(id_sender);
+ for checked in checked_receiver {
+ println!(
+ "{},{},{},{},{},{}",
+ checked.top_pretty.join(";"),
+ checked.num_found,
+ checked.recall.0,
+ checked.recall.1,
+|p| p as isize).unwrap_or(-1)
+ );
+ }
+ for worker in workers.into_iter() {
+ worker.join().expect("join() always works")?;
+ }
+ Ok(())