Move Cantine and related into the index mod
The tests are a-coming
- Id
- a120661cb0006b0f7f1603c2e3b6c8bf70d063a2
- Author
- Caio
- Commit time
- 2019-12-06T14:19:43+01:00
Modified crates/cantine/src/
-use std::convert::TryFrom;
+use std::{cmp::Ordering, convert::TryFrom, path::Path};
-use tantivy::schema::{Field, Schema, SchemaBuilder, FAST, STORED, TEXT};
+use bincode;
+use tantivy::{
+ self,
+ query::{AllQuery, BooleanQuery, Occur, Query},
+ schema::{Field, Schema, SchemaBuilder, Value, FAST, STORED, TEXT},
+ tokenizer::TokenizerManager,
+ DocId, Document, Index, IndexReader, Result, Searcher, SegmentReader, TantivyError,
-use crate::model::FeaturesFilterFields;
+use crate::model::{
+ FeaturesAggregationQuery, FeaturesAggregationResult, FeaturesCollector, FeaturesFilterFields,
+ Recipe, SearchCursor, SearchQuery, Sort,
+use tique::{
+ queryparser::QueryParser,
+ top_collector::{ordered_by_u64_fast_field, ConditionalTopCollector, SearchMarker},
pub struct IndexFields {
const FIELD_ID: &str = "id";
const FIELD_FULLTEXT: &str = "fulltext";
const FIELD_FEATURES_BINCODE: &str = "features_bincode";
+impl IndexFields {
+ pub fn make_document(&self, recipe: &Recipe) -> Document {
+ let mut doc = Document::new();
+ doc.add_u64(, recipe.recipe_id);
+ let mut fulltext = Vec::new();
+ fulltext.push(;
+ for ingredient in &recipe.ingredients {
+ fulltext.push(ingredient.as_str());
+ }
+ for instruction in &recipe.instructions {
+ fulltext.push(instruction.as_str());
+ }
+ doc.add_text(self.fulltext, fulltext.join("\n").as_str());
+ doc.add_bytes(
+ self.features_bincode,
+ bincode::serialize(&recipe.features).unwrap(),
+ );
+ self.features.add_to_doc(&mut doc, &recipe.features);
+ doc
+ }
impl From<&mut SchemaBuilder> for IndexFields {
fn from(builder: &mut SchemaBuilder) -> Self {
impl TryFrom<&Schema> for IndexFields {
// TODO better error
- type Error = &'static str;
+ type Error = TantivyError;
- fn try_from(schema: &Schema) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
- let id = schema.get_field(FIELD_ID).ok_or("missing id field")?;
+ fn try_from(schema: &Schema) -> Result<Self> {
+ let id = schema
+ .get_field(FIELD_ID)
+ .ok_or_else(|| TantivyError::SchemaError(format!("Missing field {}", FIELD_ID)))?;
- let fulltext = schema
- .get_field(FIELD_FULLTEXT)
- .ok_or("missing fulltext field")?;
+ let fulltext = schema.get_field(FIELD_FULLTEXT).ok_or_else(|| {
+ TantivyError::SchemaError(format!("Missing field {}", FIELD_FULLTEXT))
+ })?;
- let features_bincode = schema
- .ok_or("missing fulltext field")?;
+ let features_bincode = schema.get_field(FIELD_FEATURES_BINCODE).ok_or_else(|| {
+ TantivyError::SchemaError(format!("Missing field {}", FIELD_FEATURES_BINCODE))
+ })?;
Ok(IndexFields {
features: FeaturesFilterFields::try_from(schema)?,
+ }
+pub struct Cantine {
+ reader: IndexReader,
+ fields: IndexFields,
+ query_parser: QueryParser,
+pub type CantineSearchResult = (
+ usize,
+ Vec<u64>,
+ Option<SearchCursor>,
+ Option<FeaturesAggregationResult>,
+impl Cantine {
+ pub fn open<P: AsRef<Path>>(base_path: P) -> Result<Self> {
+ let index = Index::open_in_dir(base_path.as_ref())?;
+ let fields = IndexFields::try_from(&index.schema()).unwrap();
+ let reader = index.reader()?;
+ let query_parser = QueryParser::new(
+ fields.fulltext,
+ TokenizerManager::default().get("en_stem").unwrap(),
+ true,
+ );
+ Ok(Self {
+ fields,
+ reader,
+ query_parser,
+ })
+ }
+ fn interpret_query(&self, query: &SearchQuery) -> Result<Box<dyn Query>> {
+ let mut subqueries: Vec<(Occur, Box<dyn Query>)> = Vec::new();
+ if let Some(fulltext) = &query.fulltext {
+ if let Some(parsed) = self.query_parser.parse(fulltext.as_str())? {
+ subqueries.push((Occur::Must, parsed));
+ }
+ }
+ if let Some(filter) = &query.filter {
+ for query in self.fields.features.interpret(filter).into_iter() {
+ subqueries.push((Occur::Must, query));
+ }
+ }
+ match subqueries.len() {
+ 0 => Ok(Box::new(AllQuery)),
+ 1 => Ok(subqueries.pop().expect("length has been checked").1),
+ _ => Ok(Box::new(BooleanQuery::from(subqueries))),
+ }
+ }
+ fn addresses_to_ids<T>(
+ &self,
+ searcher: &Searcher,
+ addresses: &[SearchMarker<T>],
+ ) -> Result<Vec<u64>> {
+ let mut items = Vec::with_capacity(addresses.len());
+ for addr in addresses.iter() {
+ let doc = searcher.doc(addr.doc)?;
+ if let Some(&Value::U64(id)) = doc.get_first( {
+ items.push(id);
+ } else {
+ panic!("Found document without a stored id");
+ }
+ }
+ Ok(items)
+ }
+ fn basic_search(
+ &self,
+ searcher: &Searcher,
+ interpreted_query: &dyn Query,
+ limit: usize,
+ sort: Sort,
+ after: SearchCursor,
+ ) -> Result<(usize, Vec<u64>, Option<SearchCursor>)> {
+ macro_rules! condition_from_score {
+ ($score:expr) => {{
+ let after_score = $score;
+ let after_id = after.recipe_id();
+ let is_start = after.is_start();
+ let id_field =;
+ move |reader: &SegmentReader| {
+ let id_reader = reader
+ .fast_fields()
+ .u64(id_field)
+ .expect("id field is indexed with the FAST flag");
+ move |_segment_id, doc_id, score| {
+ if is_start {
+ return true;
+ }
+ let recipe_id = id_reader.get(doc_id);
+ match after_score.partial_cmp(&score) {
+ Some(Ordering::Greater) => true,
+ Some(Ordering::Equal) => after_id < recipe_id,
+ _ => false,
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }};
+ }
+ macro_rules! collect_unsigned {
+ ($field:ident) => {{
+ let condition = condition_from_score!(after.score());
+ let top_collector =
+ ordered_by_u64_fast_field(self.fields.features.$field, limit, condition);
+ let result =, &top_collector)?;
+ let items = self.addresses_to_ids(&searcher, &result.items)?;
+ let num_items = items.len();
+ let cursor = if result.visited.saturating_sub(num_items) > 0 {
+ let last_score = result.items[num_items - 1].score;
+ let last_id = items[num_items - 1];
+ Some(SearchCursor::new(last_score, last_id))
+ } else {
+ None
+ };
+ Ok((, items, cursor))
+ }};
+ }
+ match sort {
+ Sort::Relevance => {
+ let condition = condition_from_score!(after.score_f32());
+ let top_collector = ConditionalTopCollector::with_limit(limit, condition);
+ let result =, &top_collector)?;
+ let items = self.addresses_to_ids(&searcher, &result.items)?;
+ let num_items = items.len();
+ let cursor = if result.visited.saturating_sub(num_items) > 0 {
+ let last_score = result.items[num_items - 1].score;
+ let last_id = items[num_items - 1];
+ Some(SearchCursor::from_f32(last_score, last_id))
+ } else {
+ None
+ };
+ Ok((, items, cursor))
+ }
+ Sort::Calories => collect_unsigned!(calories),
+ Sort::NumIngredients => collect_unsigned!(num_ingredients),
+ Sort::InstructionsLength => collect_unsigned!(instructions_length),
+ Sort::TotalTime => collect_unsigned!(total_time),
+ Sort::CookTime => collect_unsigned!(cook_time),
+ Sort::PrepTime => collect_unsigned!(prep_time),
+ _ => unimplemented!(),
+ }
+ }
+ fn compute_aggregations(
+ &self,
+ searcher: &Searcher,
+ interpreted_query: &dyn Query,
+ agg_query: FeaturesAggregationQuery,
+ ) -> Result<FeaturesAggregationResult> {
+ let features_field = self.fields.features_bincode;
+ let collector = FeaturesCollector::new(agg_query, move |reader: &SegmentReader| {
+ let features_reader = reader
+ .fast_fields()
+ .bytes(features_field)
+ .expect("bytes field is indexed");
+ move |doc: DocId| {
+ let buf = features_reader.get_bytes(doc);
+ bincode::deserialize(buf).unwrap()
+ }
+ });
+ Ok(, &collector)?)
+ }
+ pub fn search(
+ &self,
+ query: SearchQuery,
+ agg_threshold: Option<usize>,
+ ) -> Result<CantineSearchResult> {
+ let searcher = self.reader.searcher();
+ let interpreted_query = self.interpret_query(&query)?;
+ let limit = query.num_items.unwrap_or(10) as usize;
+ let (total_found, items, after) = self.basic_search(
+ &searcher,
+ &interpreted_query,
+ limit,
+ query.sort.unwrap_or(Sort::Relevance),
+ query.after.unwrap_or(SearchCursor::START),
+ )?;
+ let agg = if let Some(agg_query) = query.agg {
+ if total_found <= agg_threshold.unwrap_or(std::usize::MAX) {
+ Some(self.compute_aggregations(&searcher, &interpreted_query, agg_query)?)
+ } else {
+ None
+ }
+ } else {
+ None
+ };
+ Ok((total_found, items, after, agg))
Modified crates/cantine/src/bin/
-use bincode;
use crossbeam_channel::unbounded;
use serde_json;
use structopt::StructOpt;
-use tantivy::{self, directory::MmapDirectory, schema::SchemaBuilder, Document, Index};
+use tantivy::{self, directory::MmapDirectory, schema::SchemaBuilder, Index};
use cantine::database::BincodeDatabase;
use cantine::index::IndexFields;
} else {
-fn make_document(fields: &IndexFields, recipe: &Recipe) -> Document {
- let mut doc = Document::new();
- doc.add_u64(, recipe.recipe_id);
- let mut fulltext = Vec::new();
- fulltext.push(;
- for ingredient in &recipe.ingredients {
- fulltext.push(ingredient.as_str());
- }
- for instruction in &recipe.instructions {
- fulltext.push(instruction.as_str());
- }
- doc.add_text(fields.fulltext, fulltext.join("\n").as_str());
- doc.add_bytes(
- fields.features_bincode,
- bincode::serialize(&recipe.features).unwrap(),
- );
- fields.features.add_to_doc(&mut doc, &recipe.features);
- doc
fn load(options: LoadOptions) -> Result<()> {
- .add_document(make_document(&fields, &recipe));
+ .add_document(fields.make_document(&recipe));
Modified crates/cantine/src/bin/
use std::{
- cmp::Ordering,
- convert::TryFrom,
io::{stdin, BufRead, BufReader},
- path::{Path, PathBuf},
+ path::PathBuf,
-use bincode;
use serde_json;
use structopt::StructOpt;
-use tantivy::{
- self,
- query::{AllQuery, BooleanQuery, Occur, Query},
- schema::Value,
- tokenizer::TokenizerManager,
- DocId, Index, IndexReader, Result, Searcher, SegmentReader,
+use tantivy::Result;
use cantine::{
- index::IndexFields,
- model::{
- FeaturesAggregationQuery, FeaturesAggregationResult, FeaturesCollector, Recipe,
- SearchCursor, SearchQuery, SearchResult, Sort,
- },
-use tique::{
- queryparser::QueryParser,
- top_collector::{ordered_by_u64_fast_field, ConditionalTopCollector, SearchMarker},
+ index::Cantine,
+ model::{Recipe, SearchResult},
/// Queries data generated via `load`
/// Only aggregate when found less recipes than given threshold
#[structopt(short, long)]
agg_threshold: Option<usize>,
-pub struct Cantine {
- reader: IndexReader,
- fields: IndexFields,
- query_parser: QueryParser,
-pub type CantineSearchResult = (
- usize,
- Vec<u64>,
- Option<SearchCursor>,
- Option<FeaturesAggregationResult>,
-impl Cantine {
- pub fn open<P: AsRef<Path>>(base_path: P) -> Result<Self> {
- let index = Index::open_in_dir(base_path.as_ref())?;
- let fields = IndexFields::try_from(&index.schema()).unwrap();
- let reader = index.reader()?;
- let query_parser = QueryParser::new(
- fields.fulltext,
- TokenizerManager::default().get("en_stem").unwrap(),
- true,
- );
- Ok(Self {
- fields,
- reader,
- query_parser,
- })
- }
- fn interpret_query(&self, query: &SearchQuery) -> Result<Box<dyn Query>> {
- let mut subqueries: Vec<(Occur, Box<dyn Query>)> = Vec::new();
- if let Some(fulltext) = &query.fulltext {
- if let Some(parsed) = self.query_parser.parse(fulltext.as_str())? {
- subqueries.push((Occur::Must, parsed));
- }
- }
- if let Some(filter) = &query.filter {
- for query in self.fields.features.interpret(filter).into_iter() {
- subqueries.push((Occur::Must, query));
- }
- }
- match subqueries.len() {
- 0 => Ok(Box::new(AllQuery)),
- 1 => Ok(subqueries.pop().expect("length has been checked").1),
- _ => Ok(Box::new(BooleanQuery::from(subqueries))),
- }
- }
- fn addresses_to_ids<T>(
- &self,
- searcher: &Searcher,
- addresses: &[SearchMarker<T>],
- ) -> Result<Vec<u64>> {
- let mut items = Vec::with_capacity(addresses.len());
- for addr in addresses.iter() {
- let doc = searcher.doc(addr.doc)?;
- if let Some(&Value::U64(id)) = doc.get_first( {
- items.push(id);
- } else {
- panic!("Found document without a stored id");
- }
- }
- Ok(items)
- }
- fn basic_search(
- &self,
- searcher: &Searcher,
- interpreted_query: &dyn Query,
- limit: usize,
- sort: Sort,
- after: SearchCursor,
- ) -> Result<(usize, Vec<u64>, Option<SearchCursor>)> {
- macro_rules! condition_from_score {
- ($score:expr) => {{
- let after_score = $score;
- let after_id = after.recipe_id();
- let is_start = after.is_start();
- let id_field =;
- move |reader: &SegmentReader| {
- let id_reader = reader
- .fast_fields()
- .u64(id_field)
- .expect("id field is indexed with the FAST flag");
- move |_segment_id, doc_id, score| {
- if is_start {
- return true;
- }
- let recipe_id = id_reader.get(doc_id);
- match after_score.partial_cmp(&score) {
- Some(Ordering::Greater) => true,
- Some(Ordering::Equal) => after_id < recipe_id,
- _ => false,
- }
- }
- }
- }};
- }
- macro_rules! collect_unsigned {
- ($field:ident) => {{
- let condition = condition_from_score!(after.score());
- let top_collector =
- ordered_by_u64_fast_field(self.fields.features.$field, limit, condition);
- let result =, &top_collector)?;
- let items = self.addresses_to_ids(&searcher, &result.items)?;
- let num_items = items.len();
- let cursor = if result.visited.saturating_sub(num_items) > 0 {
- let last_score = result.items[num_items - 1].score;
- let last_id = items[num_items - 1];
- Some(SearchCursor::new(last_score, last_id))
- } else {
- None
- };
- Ok((, items, cursor))
- }};
- }
- match sort {
- Sort::Relevance => {
- let condition = condition_from_score!(after.score_f32());
- let top_collector = ConditionalTopCollector::with_limit(limit, condition);
- let result =, &top_collector)?;
- let items = self.addresses_to_ids(&searcher, &result.items)?;
- let num_items = items.len();
- let cursor = if result.visited.saturating_sub(num_items) > 0 {
- let last_score = result.items[num_items - 1].score;
- let last_id = items[num_items - 1];
- Some(SearchCursor::from_f32(last_score, last_id))
- } else {
- None
- };
- Ok((, items, cursor))
- }
- Sort::Calories => collect_unsigned!(calories),
- Sort::NumIngredients => collect_unsigned!(num_ingredients),
- Sort::InstructionsLength => collect_unsigned!(instructions_length),
- Sort::TotalTime => collect_unsigned!(total_time),
- Sort::CookTime => collect_unsigned!(cook_time),
- Sort::PrepTime => collect_unsigned!(prep_time),
- _ => unimplemented!(),
- }
- }
- fn compute_aggregations(
- &self,
- searcher: &Searcher,
- interpreted_query: &dyn Query,
- agg_query: FeaturesAggregationQuery,
- ) -> Result<FeaturesAggregationResult> {
- let features_field = self.fields.features_bincode;
- let collector = FeaturesCollector::new(agg_query, move |reader: &SegmentReader| {
- let features_reader = reader
- .fast_fields()
- .bytes(features_field)
- .expect("bytes field is indexed");
- move |doc: DocId| {
- let buf = features_reader.get_bytes(doc);
- bincode::deserialize(buf).unwrap()
- }
- });
- Ok(, &collector)?)
- }
- pub fn search(
- &self,
- query: SearchQuery,
- agg_threshold: Option<usize>,
- ) -> Result<CantineSearchResult> {
- let searcher = self.reader.searcher();
- let interpreted_query = self.interpret_query(&query)?;
- let limit = query.num_items.unwrap_or(10) as usize;
- let (total_found, items, after) = self.basic_search(
- &searcher,
- &interpreted_query,
- limit,
- query.sort.unwrap_or(Sort::Relevance),
- query.after.unwrap_or(SearchCursor::START),
- )?;
- let agg = if let Some(agg_query) = query.agg {
- if total_found <= agg_threshold.unwrap_or(std::usize::MAX) {
- Some(self.compute_aggregations(&searcher, &interpreted_query, agg_query)?)
- } else {
- None
- }
- } else {
- None
- };
- Ok((total_found, items, after, agg))
- }
pub fn main() -> Result<()> {