Initial TopTerms implementation

TopTerms reads the index and extracts the most relevant terms in a
given document or any arbitrary text input. You can use it to build
keywords for your documents or, more interestingly, use the result
as a query to find similar documents.

It's pretty much a reimplementation of Lucene's MoreLikeThis. I don't
particularly like this approach in prod (too many knobs, dependency on
the index to formulate a query), but it yields pretty good results
with little effort.

Commit time

Modified tique/src/

@@ -19,5 +19,7
//! Check the module docs for more details.
pub mod conditional_collector;

+pub mod topterms;
#[cfg(feature = "unstable")]
pub mod queryparser;

Created tique/src/

@@ -1,0 +1,330
+use std::{collections::HashMap, str};
+use tantivy::{
+ query::BooleanQuery,
+ schema::{Field, IndexRecordOption},
+ tokenizer::BoxedTokenizer,
+ DocAddress, DocSet, Index, IndexReader, Postings, Result, Searcher, SkipResult, Term,
+use crate::conditional_collector::topk::{DescendingTopK, TopK};
+// Source: Copy-pasta from tantivy::query::bm25::idf
+fn idf(doc_freq: u64, doc_count: u64) -> f32 {
+ let x = ((doc_count - doc_freq) as f32 + 0.5) / (doc_freq as f32 + 0.5);
+ (1f32 + x).ln()
+fn termfreq(input: &str, field: Field, tokenizer: &BoxedTokenizer) -> HashMap<Term, u32> {
+ let mut termfreq = HashMap::new();
+ let mut stream = tokenizer.token_stream(&input);
+ while let Some(token) = {
+ let term = Term::from_field_text(field, &token.text);
+ *termfreq.entry(term).or_insert(0) += 1;
+ }
+ termfreq
+fn termfreq_for_doc<F>(searcher: &Searcher, field: Field, doc: DocAddress, mut consumer: F)
+ F: FnMut(Term, u32),
+ let DocAddress(seg_id, doc_id) = doc;
+ let reader = searcher.segment_reader(seg_id);
+ let inverted_index = reader.inverted_index(field.clone());
+ let mut termstream = inverted_index.terms().stream();
+ while let Some((bytes, terminfo)) = {
+ if let Ok(text) = str::from_utf8(bytes) {
+ let term = Term::from_field_text(field, text);
+ let mut postings =
+ inverted_index.read_postings_from_terminfo(terminfo, IndexRecordOption::WithFreqs);
+ if postings.skip_next(doc_id) == SkipResult::Reached {
+ consumer(term, postings.term_freq());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+pub struct TopTerms {
+ reader: IndexReader,
+ field_tokenizers: Vec<(Field, BoxedTokenizer)>,
+pub trait KeywordAcceptor {
+ fn accept(&self, term: &Term, tf: u32, doc_freq: u64, num_docs: u64) -> bool;
+impl KeywordAcceptor for () {
+ fn accept(&self, _: &Term, _: u32, _: u64, _: u64) -> bool {
+ true
+ }
+impl<F> KeywordAcceptor for F
+ F: Fn(&Term, u32, u64, u64) -> bool,
+ fn accept(&self, term: &Term, tf: u32, doc_freq: u64, num_docs: u64) -> bool {
+ (self)(term, tf, doc_freq, num_docs)
+ }
+impl TopTerms {
+ pub fn new(index: Index, fields: Vec<Field>) -> Result<Self> {
+ let mut field_tokenizers = Vec::new();
+ for field in fields.into_iter() {
+ let tok = index.tokenizer_for_field(field)?;
+ field_tokenizers.push((field, tok));
+ }
+ Ok(Self {
+ reader: index.reader()?,
+ field_tokenizers,
+ })
+ }
+ pub fn extract(&self, limit: usize, input: &str) -> Keywords {
+ self.extract_filtered(limit, input, ())
+ }
+ pub fn extract_from_doc(&self, limit: usize, addr: DocAddress) -> Keywords {
+ self.extract_filtered_from_doc(limit, addr, ())
+ }
+ pub fn extract_filtered<F: KeywordAcceptor>(
+ &self,
+ limit: usize,
+ input: &str,
+ acceptor: F,
+ ) -> Keywords {
+ let searcher = self.reader.searcher();
+ let num_docs = searcher.num_docs();
+ let mut keywords = Keywords::new(limit);
+ for (field, tokenizer) in self.field_tokenizers.iter() {
+ let termfreq = termfreq(&input, *field, tokenizer);
+ for (term, tf) in termfreq.into_iter() {
+ let doc_freq = searcher.doc_freq(&term);
+ if doc_freq == 0 && acceptor.accept(&term, tf, doc_freq, num_docs) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ let score = tf as f32 * idf(doc_freq, num_docs);
+ keywords.visit(term, score);
+ }
+ }
+ keywords
+ }
+ pub fn extract_filtered_from_doc<F: KeywordAcceptor>(
+ &self,
+ limit: usize,
+ addr: DocAddress,
+ acceptor: F,
+ ) -> Keywords {
+ let searcher = self.reader.searcher();
+ let num_docs = searcher.num_docs();
+ let mut keywords = Keywords::new(limit);
+ for (field, _tokenizer) in self.field_tokenizers.iter() {
+ termfreq_for_doc(&searcher, *field, addr, |term, term_freq| {
+ let doc_freq = searcher.doc_freq(&term);
+ if acceptor.accept(&term, term_freq, doc_freq, num_docs) {
+ let score = term_freq as f32 * idf(doc_freq, num_docs);
+ keywords.visit(term, score);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ keywords
+ }
+pub struct Keywords(DescendingTopK<f32, Term>);
+impl Keywords {
+ pub fn new(limit: usize) -> Self {
+ Self(DescendingTopK::new(limit))
+ }
+ pub fn into_sorted_vec(self) -> Vec<(Term, f32)> {
+ self.0
+ .into_sorted_vec()
+ .into_iter()
+ // FIXME What was I thinking when I made the whole topk api backwards?
+ .map(|(score, term)| (term, score))
+ .collect()
+ }
+ pub fn into_query(self) -> BooleanQuery {
+ BooleanQuery::new_multiterms_query(
+ self.0
+ .into_vec()
+ .into_iter()
+ .map(|(_score, term)| term)
+ .collect(),
+ )
+ }
+ fn visit(&mut self, term: Term, score: f32) {
+ self.0.visit(score, term);
+ }
+ // TODO into_boosted_query, using the scaled tf/idf scores scaled with
+mod tests {
+ use super::*;
+ use tantivy::{
+ doc,
+ schema::{SchemaBuilder, TEXT},
+ tokenizer::SimpleTokenizer,
+ };
+ #[test]
+ fn termfreq_counts_correctness() {
+ let field = Field::from_field_id(1);
+ let freqs = termfreq("a b b c c c d d d d", field, &SimpleTokenizer.into());
+ let get = |tok| {
+ let term = Term::from_field_text(field, tok);
+ freqs.get(&term).cloned().unwrap_or(0)
+ };
+ assert_eq!(1, get("a"));
+ assert_eq!(2, get("b"));
+ assert_eq!(3, get("c"));
+ assert_eq!(4, get("d"));
+ assert_eq!(0, get("e"));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn termfreq_from_input_and_doc_are_the_same() -> Result<()> {
+ let mut builder = SchemaBuilder::new();
+ let body = builder.add_text_field("body", TEXT);
+ let index = Index::create_in_ram(;
+ let mut writer = index.writer_with_num_threads(1, 3_000_000)?;
+ let text = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas \
+ accumsan et diam id condimentum. Nam ac venenatis sapien. Curabitur \
+ et finibus tellus, non porta velit. Sed ac quam condimentum felis \
+ bibendum dignissim. Fusce venenatis sodales urna porta tincidunt. \
+ Ut nec tortor porttitor, placerat turpis vitae, rutrum eros.";
+ writer.add_document(doc!(body => text));
+ writer.commit()?;
+ let text_termfreq = termfreq(&text, body, &index.tokenizer_for_field(body)?);
+ let reader = index.reader()?;
+ termfreq_for_doc(&reader.searcher(), body, DocAddress(0, 0), |term, tf| {
+ assert_eq!(Some(&tf), text_termfreq.get(&term));
+ });
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn topterms_integration() -> Result<()> {
+ let mut builder = SchemaBuilder::new();
+ let source = builder.add_text_field("source", TEXT);
+ let quote = builder.add_text_field("quote", TEXT);
+ let index = Index::create_in_ram(;
+ let mut writer = index.writer_with_num_threads(1, 3_000_000)?;
+ writer.add_document(doc!(
+ source => "Marley and Me: Life and Love With the World's Worst Dog",
+ quote => "A person can learn a lot from a dog, even a loopy one like ours. \
+ Marley taught me about living each day with unbridled exuberance \
+ and joy, about seizing the moment and following your heart. He \
+ taught me to appreciate the simple things-a walk in the woods, a \
+ fresh snowfall, a nap in a shaft of winter sunlight. And as he \
+ grew old and achy, he taught me about optimism in the face of \
+ adversity. Mostly, he taught me about friendship and selflessness \
+ and, above all else, unwavering loyalty."
+ ));
+ writer.add_document(doc!(
+ source => "The Case-Book of Sherlock Holmes",
+ quote => "A dog reflects the family life. Whoever saw a frisky dog in a \
+ gloomy family, or a sad dog in a happy one? Snarling people have \
+ snarling dogs, dangerous people have dangerous ones."
+ ));
+ writer.add_document(doc!(
+ source => "The Essential Groucho: Writings For By And About Groucho Marx",
+ quote => "Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. \
+ Inside of a dog it's too dark to read."
+ ));
+ writer.commit()?;
+ fn assert_word_found(word: &str, kw: Keywords) {
+ let words = kw
+ .into_sorted_vec()
+ .into_iter()
+ .map(|(term, _score)| String::from(term.text()))
+ .collect::<Vec<_>>();
+ assert!(
+ words.iter().any(|w| word == w),
+ "Expected to find '{}'. Keywords = {}",
+ word,
+ words.join(", ")
+ )
+ }
+ let topterms = TopTerms::new(index.clone(), vec![source, quote])?;
+ let keyword_filter = |term: &Term, _tf, doc_freq, num_docs| {
+ // Only words with more than characters 3
+ term.text().chars().count() > 3
+ // that do NOT appear in every document at this field
+ && doc_freq < num_docs
+ };
+ let marley_keywords =
+ topterms.extract_filtered_from_doc(5, DocAddress(0, 0), keyword_filter);
+ assert_word_found("marley", marley_keywords);
+ let holmes_keywords =
+ topterms.extract_filtered_from_doc(5, DocAddress(0, 1), keyword_filter);
+ assert_word_found("dangerous", holmes_keywords);
+ let groucho_keywords =
+ topterms.extract_filtered_from_doc(5, DocAddress(0, 2), keyword_filter);
+ let reader = index.reader()?;
+ let searcher = reader.searcher();
+ let similar_to_groucho =
+ &groucho_keywords.into_query(),
+ &tantivy::collector::TopDocs::with_limit(3),
+ )?;
+ assert_eq!(
+ Some(DocAddress(0, 2)),
+ similar_to_groucho.first().map(|x| x.1),
+ "expected groucho's to be the most similar to its own keyword set"
+ );
+ Ok(())
+ }